Emanuel “God with us”

Emanuel “God with us”
the story of Christmas, is not just a story, it is the greatest historical and spiritual truth the world is graced with.

100% God (the son of God) willingly and humbly came from his throne to become 100% Man. This was done through the work of the Holy Spirit who helped Mary conceive our Perfect, spotless lamb, King, Lord and savior Jesus Christ. This was a miracle that no one could orchestrate except God the Father himself.

Jesus Christ is the greatest gift the world undeservedly received. His grace has given us joy, hope, peace, love, mercy, and the list goes on. God sent his son as a statement to prove and show us that he is truly with us in a way that he hadn’t done before until appearance of his son. This time, It would cost him his only son in order to reconcile, restore, renew and redeem us from eternal damnation.

We live in world full of sin, evil and hopelessness, yet our God is supreme and he is Emmanual (God with us), always present with us, in every situation and circumstance.  He is the prince of peace, he is our wonderful counselor, everlasting Father, Mighty God, our Lord and Savior the King of kings and Lord of lords. He is the only answer to every question we have. He is the only reason we have hope for eternal life with him in paradise where there will be no more tears and no more pain.

If you are feeling hopeless, please remember that our Messiah was born to die to defeat death and resurrect to reign in our hearts. There is joy in our Savior! May the Lord fill you with his love, Joy and peace!

- Paul Brincovan




Jesus is God